Thursday 30 April 2020

Wat verdien jy?

Verskoon as ek hierdie post in Engels gaan doen, maar met hierdie wat ek wil skryf kan
ek beter myself uitdruk in Engels.

What do we deserve from God?  Do we deserve his wrath and judgement?  Let me tell
you what you deserve, does not come from God.

Your own deeds have cause you your failures or troubles. Your actions have chosen what
you will reap at the end.  God cant' choose your actions or your deeds that is up to you to
 choose the right way.

If you are proud you will reap what you have sown.  What do you sow?  Good works by
 looking out for others and help those in need or do you look out for yourself and store
 up your own storehouse.

God straf nie volgens wat ons verdien nie.  Dit is nie wie Hy is nie en nie hoe hy werk nie.
 Ons verdien die dood, maar Jesus het gekom om ons vry te maak van die dood. Nou het
 ons die ewige lewe as ons glo in Hom.

Wat God gee verdien ons nie, maar Hy gee dit omdat Hy Liefde is.

God gee vir ons 'n feesmaal. Hy voorsien in al ons behoeftes.

Hoe meer jy het hoe meer moet jy gee. 

Love others before oneself - Your lifestyle determine your end destination. We don't
 deserve the good things God give us, for the way we are living we don't even give Him
 the thanks He deserve.

God is  merciful, and He treat people better than they deserve. So what does God
deserve  - our Praise.
He wants to change our Character to be like His.

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