Wednesday 9 November 2022

Staan sterk

 Jas 1:17  Everything good, healthy and beneficial originates in heaven and comes down from the Father who created the universe. He is always good and will never alter his methods of love. He does not waver, and he is certainly not the source of darkness and death! 

Mat 4:4  Jesus answered, "The Scriptures say: 'No one can live only on food. People need every word that God has spoken.' " 

Om dankbaar te Bly is om op God se Woorde te vertrou. Net goeie dinge Kom van God af. Hoekom Kry ons dan swaar, want ons is in hierdie wereld wat nie ons tuiste is nie en nie aan ons behoort nie.

Ons het God elke dag nodig sonder Hom is daar niks om voor dankbaar te wees nie.

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